Urban Redevelopment Award 2022
Urban Redevelopment Award 2022
On November 10, 2022, this year’s STADTUMBAU AWARD Saxony-Anhalt was awarded in Naumburg under the motto “Shaping Cities – Revitalizing Inner Cities”.
Dessau-Roßlau was one of the five best among all participating cities with the project of the Garden Dreams Lounge and was allowed to face the jury once again with a video presentation.
First became finally the artist city Kalbe, which succeeded with its competition contribution to activate all scarcely over 2,000 inhabitants for its facet-rich project.
Anita Steinhart, OB-Staffstelle Strategische Stadtentwicklung, and Hannes Wolf, Managing Director of the Stadtmarketinggesellschaft Dessau-Roßlau, were on hand in Naumburg and, in addition to a certificate and a bouquet of flowers, also received great recognition for the Dessau-Roßlau competition entry as an outstanding inner city project from Dr. Lydia Hüskens, Minister for Infrastructure and Digital Affairs of the State of Saxony-Anhalt.
The active involvement of people in urban development and design projects, which may have tipped the scales in favor of Kalbe as this year’s winner of the StadtUmbau award, is also playing an increasingly important role in Dessau-Roßlau. The Future Journey with its promising sub-projects is a prime example of this direct form of participation. And the NeuSTADT agency, which was just launched in October and is financed with funds from the federal program “Zukunftsfähige Innenstädte und Zentren” (“Sustainable inner cities and centers”), is also intended to address precisely this area.
Hannes Wolf comments: “We see ourselves with the Gartenträume Lounge as the winner of the hearts of the StadtUmbau Award 2022 and with our new forms of participation very well positioned for a positive future of Dessau-Roßlau actively shaped by citizens. We’ll definitely be first in the next competition.”

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