StadtLesen back on the market square

From May 30 to June 2, 2024, Dessau’s market square in front of the city library will once again be transformed into an open-air reading room with large book towers and comfortable seating.

The innovation workshop from Austria will be visiting Dessau-Roßlau for the 8th time this year with its StadtLesenTour, offering visitors the opportunity to browse through more than 3,000 books, relax and immerse themselves in other worlds while reading. “This year’s supporting program also offers the opportunity to listen. Under the open sky and with free admission, you can prick up your ears and enjoy,” says Maren Springer-Hoffmann, responsible project coordinator at Stadtmarketinggesellschaft Dessau-Roßlau, and is looking forward to the reading event in the middle of the garden lounge.

Due to weather conditions, the opening of StadtLesens 2024 will take place on Thursday, May 30, 2024 from 5 p.m. in the Kunsthalle Dessau in Ratsgasse.

The opening program starts at 5 p.m. with “Bilder Abeze”, a reading as part of the 250th anniversary of the Philanthropinum. After a welcoming address by Lord Mayor Dr. Robert Reck at 6 p.m., bestselling author Tim Pröse will read from his book “Samstagabendhelden” (Saturday Night Heroes), bringing back memories of Saturday nights spent with the family in front of the TV. Afterwards, extreme pianists Julian Eilenberger and Andreas Güstel will bring the opening evening to a close in the open-air reading room on the market square, weather permitting. Alternatively, this will also take place in the Kunsthalle.

In this year’s program, the anniversary “250 Years Philanthropinum” also plays a special role in another reading on Friday, 31.05. at 18:00. Silke Wallstein and Andreas Hillger will be reading from “Fritzens Reise nach Dessau” by Johann Gottlieb Schummel. On Saturday, June 1, two authors from the Europa-Literaturkreis Kapfenberg from Austria will be guests on the small Stadtlesen stage from 4.00 pm.

All program information can be found here.