Bauhaus Festival 2022:
dappled, splotched, striped
The annual Bauhaus Color and Light Festival is one of the city’s event highlights. On the first weekend in September, it’s lights on for installations, design and artistic experiments and stagings throughout the city. Music, dance and gastronomy – a creative interplay of Bauhäusler with renowned artists, the city and its guests. A unique atmosphere is created here. The Anhaltische Theater will kick off the festival before it begins and provide a preview of the coming season with a large open-air performance.
The motto of this year’s festival goes back to Oskar Schlemmer. “[I] call it The White Festival. 4/5 white and 1/5 in color. These dipped, thrown and striped,” wrote Oskar Schlemmer on March 20, 1926, shortly before the first Bauhaus festival in Dessau. The costume festival was not only a commitment of the school to its new location. It also established a new public Bauhaus festival culture, which the Bauhaus Dessau Foundation revived in 1997 with the color festivals.
25 years after the first new Bauhaus festival, there is again a large urban festival. At the center is Schlemmer’s Triadic Ballet, whose costumes were already part of the Bauhaus festivals in the 1920s. In 2022, it will be re-explored in different formats.
In keeping with the spirit of traditional Bauhaus festivals, the festival audience can use prefabricated paper masks, stamps and paints to create their own dipped, diced and striped masks for the Bauhaus Festival, or dress to match the theme. There are no limits to the imagination.
All information can be found at: Bauhausfest 2022
The flyer with many event information is available for download here.