Review of the year
Our marketing year in review
2022 was another year of many unknowns for us. The challenges of the past two years continued to make themselves felt in 2022 and made us continue to look for and, of course, find creative ways to overcome them.
And so we took off with fresh image, tourism and location advertising. Large campaigns on the topics of bicycle and caravan tourism and work-live-live as well as the season-specific spring and hygge winter offers in Dessau-Roßlau attracted attention to our city throughout Germany. Another major project was completed in the spring with the redesign of the underpass at Dessau’s main train station. Tourists and citizens are now welcomed here with tourist recommendations and tips.
For the third time, the market square was transformed into a garden dream lounge with concert flair during the summer months. Once again, we were able to enjoy performances by local and regional artists on the small open-air stage in the middle of the lounge. With this unique showcase project, we were among the top five winners of the Saxony-Anhalt Urban Redevelopment Award. We are very proud of this. And of course, despite all the uncertainties, we are planning another great stage program for next year in a diverse city summer with many old and also new faces.
Other traditional and beloved projects and events such as StadtLesen, the multifaceted City Summer, the Advent Market Cup Competition, the Founder’s Award and the Returner’s Day shaped our annual schedule. The city marketing company has been presenting itself online on its own website since this year, and in October we were able to set another milestone with the formation of the NeuSTADT agency, which will devote all its energies to strengthening our city center.
We look forward to 2023 with confidence and look forward to numerous exciting projects and challenges. New campaigns to promote tourism and image are on the agenda, as is the organization of the new city festival or the annually recurring programs. The city marketing company continues to be a reliable partner in shaping and enriching city life.
We wish you a successful start to the New Year. And as always in these times: Stay healthy!

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