26th International Athletics Meeting

Dessau-Roßlau – on May 24, the whole world of sport and athletics will be watching our city. World-class athletes meet in Dessau’s Paul Greifzu Stadium. Almost 140 national and international track and field athletes compete there year after year. 108 nations from all over the world have already been represented. Top athletes visit Dessau and are active in the Paul Griffzu Stadium. 26 years of athletics meetings in Dessau. A proud number. Dessau should and can be proud of this international athletics event, which has made a name for itself not only in Germany and Europe but also throughout the world. Once again, many stars, including Olympic champions, world champions and European champions, will enchant the Bauhaus city.

Anhalt Sport e.V. in close cooperation with the 1st LAC, the sports department of the city of Dessau-Roßlau and many other long-standing partners as well as over 150 endlessly committed and hard-working volunteers have been successfully organizing this renowned international sporting event year after year for a quarter of a century.

It is fascinating and great that so many partners and people are involved time and time again, and I would like to express my respect and gratitude to everyone involved, says meeting director Ralph Hirsch.

Tickets for the seating area are available here.